
class golos.api.Api(nodes: Union[List[str], str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Main class for golos-python - wraps ws_client and provides many helper methods for interacting with the GOLOS blockchain, such as get_accounts() and transfer()

Official Repo: https://github.com/Privex/golos-python

Official PyPi Package Name: golos-python

Basic Usage:

>>> from golos import Api
>>> golos = Api()
>>> acc = golos.get_accounts(['someguy123'])
>>> acc[0]['owner']
>>> wit = golos.get_witness_by_account('someguy123')
>>> wit['url']
__init__(nodes: Union[List[str], str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Constructor for Privex’s GOLOS wrapper class. No arguments are required, unless you want to override defaults.

Basic Usage:

Use default nodes list and settings:

>>> golos = Api()

Use only this specific node:

>>> golos = Api(nodes='wss://golosd.privex.io')

Use a list of nodes, and enable more verbose logging from WsClient

>>> nodes = ['wss://golosd.privex.io', 'wss://api.golos.blckchnd.com/ws']
>>> golos = Api(nodes=nodes, report=True)

Making basic API calls:

>>> acc = golos.get_accounts(['someguy123'])
>>> acc[0]['owner']
>>> wit = golos.get_witness_by_account('someguy123')
>>> wit['url']
  • nodes (list|str) – A list / singular str GOLOS node(s) formatted like such: wss://golosd.privex.io

  • report (bool) – (KWARG) If True - enables more verbose logging from WsClient

  • kwargs – Any additional keyword arguments (will be forwarded to WsClient’s constructor)



Constructor for Privex’s GOLOS wrapper class.

account_create(login, password, creator, …)

account_create_with_delegation(login, …)

account_metadata(account, json_metadata, wif)

account_update(new_password, account, …)

account_update_password(account, password, wif)

account_witness_proxy(account, proxy, wif)

change_recovery_account(account, …)



delegate_vesting_shares(delegatee, amount, …)


find_op_transaction(op[, ignore_keys])

Locate and return the full transaction from the blockchain based on a dict operation (op)

follow(wtf, followings, followers, wif, **kwargs)


get_account_history(account[, op_limit])

Get the account history for a given account as a List[dict].


get_accounts(logins, **kwargs)

Перерасчитываются некоторые параметры по аккаунту “voting_power” - 1..10000 реальная батарейка “golos_power” - сила голоса с учетом делегирования “rshares” - сколько добавится шаров в пост при 100% батарейке “GOLOS”, “GBG” - ликвидные токены “new_post_limit” - сколько постов можно опубликовать “new_post_time” - сколько осталось времени в минутах до публикации без штрафа “bandwidth” = { “avail” - всего доступно в кБ “used_forum” - использовано в кБ “used_market” - использовано в кБ “free_forum” - доступно в кБ “free_market” - доступно в кБ } “value” = {“GOLOS”, “GBG”} - цена апвота по внутренней бирже “order” = {“GOLOS”, “GBG”} - цена апвота по медиане “rating” = репутация в десятичном виде




Get all balances for one or more accounts (as positional arguments).



return dict props

A dictionary of chain properties, containing:


get_content(url, **kwargs)





return dict dynamic_props

A dictionary containing the dynamic global properties (see below)




Позволяет узнать какому логину соответсвует публичный ключ #public_key = ‘GLS6RGi692mJSNkdcVRunY3tGieJdTsa7AZeBVjB6jjqYg98ov5NL’ Но не позволяет если есть авторити у аккаунта













Lookup the transaction ID txid and return it’s matching transaction as a dict

get_transaction_hex(tx[, remove_sigs])

Get the string hexadecimal representation of a dict transaction object.


Calculate the TXID for a transaction in the dict form:






lookup_witness_accounts(start, limit)

post(title, body, author, wif, **kwargs)

category = ‘’ url = ‘’ permlink = ‘’ tags = []

replace(title, body, author, wif, **kwargs)

repost(url, account, wif, **kwargs)


transfer(to, amount, from_account, wif[, …])

Transfer amount coins (of asset) to from_account using the private key wif and the memo memo

transfer_to_vesting(to, amount, …)

Power up a given amount of DEFAULT_ASSET (default: GOLOS) from from_account into to.

transfers(raw_ops, from_account, wif)

Execute multiple transfers in a single transaction.


Basic Usage.

vote(url, weight, voters, wif)

withdraw_vesting(account, amount, wif, **kwargs)



This property loads and caches the chain properties for up to 30 seconds, avoiding constant un-necessary requests for the chain properties.


This property loads and caches the dynamic global properties for up to 30 seconds, avoiding constant un-necessary requests for the dynamic global properties.

property chain_properties

This property loads and caches the chain properties for up to 30 seconds, avoiding constant un-necessary requests for the chain properties.

Return dict props

A dictionary of chain properties

property dynamic_global_properties

This property loads and caches the dynamic global properties for up to 30 seconds, avoiding constant un-necessary requests for the dynamic global properties.

Return dict props

A dictionary of dynamic global properties

find_op_transaction(op: dict, ignore_keys: list = None) → dict[source]

Locate and return the full transaction from the blockchain based on a dict operation (op)

The operation dictionary must contain at least block, as well as all of the operation keys that would be found on the blockchain, with the values being the same type as they would be on the blockchain.

Example usage:

>>> op = {'from':  'someguy123', 'to': 'ksantoprotein', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing',
...       'number': 127287, 'block': 30895436, 'timestamp': '2019-10-01T12:49:00', 'type_op': 'transfer'}
>>> Api().find_op_transaction(op)
{'ref_block_num': 27979, 'ref_block_prefix': 3018856747, 'expiration': '2019-10-01T12:50:00',
 'operations': [['transfer',
    {'from': 'someguy123', 'to': 'ksantoprotein', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing'}
  'extensions': [],
  'signatures': ['1f1a0212f7b9fe263acaeadf1ec127000dc234c413b543e3c268d251e...']
  • op (dict) – An operation as a dict, containing the key block, and any operation keys to match

  • ignore_keys (list) – (Optional) Additional dict keys to remove from op


TransactionNotFound – When a matching transaction could not be found on the blockchain.

Return dict tx

The full transaction found on the blockchain as a dict

A returned transaction is generally formatted like such:

dict(ref_block_num: int, ref_block_prefix: int, expiration: str, operations: list,
     extensions: list, signatures: list)
get_account_history(account: str, op_limit: Union[list, str] = 'all', **kwargs) → List[dict][source]

Get the account history for a given account as a List[dict].

Optionally you can filter the operations returned using op_limit, as well as limit the number of operations with start_limit, and maximum operation age with age.

Basic usage:

>>> g = Api()
>>> # Return a list of 'transfer' operations for the account 'someguy123'
>>> hist = g.get_account_history('someguy123', op_limit='transfer')
>>> h[0]
{'from': 'someguy123', 'to': 'someguy123', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing', 'number': 127290,
 'block': 30908474, 'timestamp': '2019-10-01T23:41:18', 'type_op': 'transfer',
 'trx_id': '80c7e0f7444f63074a52a8ba44cf066551706588'}
  • account (str) – The username to load account history for, e.g. 'someguy123'

  • op_limit (list) – Only return operations of these types. Specify either as a list: ['transfer', 'vote'], or as a string, e.g. 'transfer' (only transfers) or 'all' (no filter)

  • kwargs – See below

Key int start_limit

Load at most this many history items (Default: 1000 items)

Key int age

Skip history items older than this many seconds (Default: 604800 seconds / 7 days)

Return List[dict] history

A list of dict history ops (see below for format)

dict(from, to, amount: str, memo, number, block, timestamp: str, type_op, trx_id)
get_accounts(logins: List[str], **kwargs) → List[dict][source]

Перерасчитываются некоторые параметры по аккаунту “voting_power” - 1..10000 реальная батарейка “golos_power” - сила голоса с учетом делегирования “rshares” - сколько добавится шаров в пост при 100% батарейке “GOLOS”, “GBG” - ликвидные токены “new_post_limit” - сколько постов можно опубликовать “new_post_time” - сколько осталось времени в минутах до публикации без штрафа “bandwidth” = {

“avail” - всего доступно в кБ “used_forum” - использовано в кБ “used_market” - использовано в кБ “free_forum” - доступно в кБ “free_market” - доступно в кБ }

“value” = {“GOLOS”, “GBG”} - цена апвота по внутренней бирже “order” = {“GOLOS”, “GBG”} - цена апвота по медиане “rating” = репутация в десятичном виде

get_balances(*accounts) → Dict[str, Dict[str, decimal.Decimal]][source]

Get all balances for one or more accounts (as positional arguments).

Basic Usage:

>>> b = Api().get_balances('john', 'dave')
>>> b['john']['GOLOS']
>>> b['dave']['GBG']

accounts (str) – One or more usernames to get balances for

Return dict balances

A dict of {account: {asset: balance, ..}, ..}, for example:

    'someguy123': {
        'GOLOS': Decimal('157560.131'),
        'GBG': Decimal('6420.916'),
        'GP': Decimal('15044.951'),
        'GESTS': Decimal('50058788.632180')
get_chain_properties() → dict[source]
Return dict props

A dictionary of chain properties, containing:

dict(account_creation_fee, maximum_block_size, sbd_interest_rate, create_account_min_golos_fee,
     create_account_min_delegation, create_account_delegation_time, min_delegation,
     max_referral_interest_rate, max_referral_term_sec, min_referral_break_fee, max_referral_break_fee,
     posts_window, posts_per_window, comments_window, comments_per_window, votes_window,
     votes_per_window, auction_window_size, max_delegated_vesting_interest_rate,
     custom_ops_bandwidth_multiplier, min_curation_percent, max_curation_percent, curation_reward_curve,
     allow_distribute_auction_reward, allow_return_auction_reward_to_fund)
get_dynamic_global_properties() → Union[bool, dict][source]
Return dict dynamic_props

A dictionary containing the dynamic global properties (see below)

    id, head_block_number, head_block_id, time, current_witness, total_pow, num_pow_witnesses,
    virtual_supply, current_supply, confidential_supply, current_sbd_supply, confidential_sbd_supply,
    sbd_interest_rate, sbd_print_rate, average_block_size, maximum_block_size, current_aslot,
    recent_slots_filled, participation_count, max_virtual_bandwidth, current_reserve_ratio,
    custom_ops_bandwidth_multiplier, is_forced_min_price, transit_block_num, transit_witnesses,
    total_vesting_fund_steem, total_reward_fund_steem, total_vesting_shares, total_reward_shares2,
    last_irreversible_block_num, vote_regeneration_per_day, golos_per_vests, now
get_key_references(public_key: str)[source]

Позволяет узнать какому логину соответсвует публичный ключ #public_key = ‘GLS6RGi692mJSNkdcVRunY3tGieJdTsa7AZeBVjB6jjqYg98ov5NL’ Но не позволяет если есть авторити у аккаунта


t = {“bid”: round(float(ticker[“highest_bid”]), 6), “ask”: round(float(ticker[“lowest_ask”]), 6)}


return False

get_transaction(txid: str) → dict[source]

Lookup the transaction ID txid and return it’s matching transaction as a dict

Example usage:

>>> Api().get_transaction('c901c52daf57b60242d9d7be67f790e023cf2780')
{'ref_block_num': 27979, 'ref_block_prefix': 3018856747, 'expiration': '2019-10-01T12:50:00',
 'operations': [['transfer',
    {'from': 'someguy123', 'to': 'ksantoprotein', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing'}
  'extensions': [],
  'signatures': ['1f1a0212f7b9fe263acaeadf1ec127000dc234c413b543e3c268d251e...']

txid (str) – A string hex transaction ID to lookup


TransactionNotFound – When the transaction ID could not be found on the blockchain.

Return dict tx

The matching transaction as a dict

get_transaction_hex(tx: dict, remove_sigs=False) → str[source]

Get the string hexadecimal representation of a dict transaction object.

Example Usage:

>>> tx = {
...     'ref_block_num': 27979, 'ref_block_prefix': 3018856747, 'expiration': '2019-10-01T12:50:00',
...     'operations': [
...         ['transfer',
...          {'from': 'someguy123', 'to': 'ksantoprotein', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing'}]
...     ],
...     'extensions': [], 'signatures': []
... }
>>> Api().get_transaction_hex(tx)
  • tx (dict) – A transaction as a dict in the form: dict(ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix, expiration, operations, extensions, signatures)

  • remove_sigs (bool) – (Default: False) Replace the signatures key with [] (for TXID generation)

Return str txhex

The hexadecimal representation of the transaction

get_transaction_id(tx: dict) → str[source]

Calculate the TXID for a transaction in the dict form:

dict(ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix, expiration, operations, extensions, signatures)

>>> tx = {
...     'ref_block_num': 27979, 'ref_block_prefix': 3018856747, 'expiration': '2019-10-01T12:50:00',
...     'operations': [
...         ['transfer',
...          {'from': 'someguy123', 'to': 'ksantoprotein', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing'}]
...     ],
...     'extensions': [], 'signatures': []
... }
>>> Api().get_transaction_id(tx)

tx (dict) – A transaction as a dict in the form: dict(ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix, expiration, operations, extensions, signatures)

Return str txid

The calculated transaction ID for the given transaction

post(title, body, author, wif, **kwargs)[source]

category = ‘’ url = ‘’ permlink = ‘’ tags = []

beneficiaries = ‘login:10000’ weight = 10000 curation = max or int 2500..10000

transfer(to: str, amount: Union[decimal.Decimal, float, int, str], from_account: str, wif: str, asset='GOLOS', memo='', **kwargs)[source]

Transfer amount coins (of asset) to from_account using the private key wif and the memo memo

Basic usage:

>>> g = Api()
>>> tf = golos.transfer(
...     to='ksantoprotein', amount='0.1', asset='GOLOS', from_account='someguy123',
...     wif='5Jq19TeeVmGrBFnu32oxfxQMiipnSCKmwW7fZGUVLAoqsKJ9JwP', memo='this is an example transfer'
... )
>>> print('TXID:', tf['id'], 'Block:', tf['block_num'])
TXID: c901c52daf57b60242d9d7be67f790e023cf2780 Block: 30895436
  • to (str) – The username of the account you want to send coins to

  • amount (Decimal) – The amount of coins to send, as either a Decimal, str, int or float

  • from_account (str) – The username of the account to send from

  • wif (str) – The active/owner private key for the from_account, as a string in WIF format

  • asset (str) – The asset (coin) to send (Default: GOLOS (value of DEFAULT_ASSET))

  • memo (str) – An optional public message to attach to the transfer (Default: '' - empty string)

  • kwargs – Any additional keyword arguments

Return dict transfer

A dictionary containing info about the completed transfer, inc. id (full ret below)

Return data:

    ref_block_num: int, ref_block_prefix:int,
    expiration:str, operations:list, extensions:list,
    signatures:List[str], block_num:int, id:str
transfer_to_vesting(to: str, amount: Union[decimal.Decimal, float, int, str], from_account: str, wif: str, **kwargs)[source]

Power up a given amount of DEFAULT_ASSET (default: GOLOS) from from_account into to.

Basic Usage (Convert 1000 GOLOS from someguy123 into GESTS to someguy123)

>>> g = Api()
>>> tf = g.transfer_to_vesting(
...   to='someguy123', from_account='someguy123', wif='5Jq19TeeVmGrBFnu32oxfxQMiipnSCKmwW7fZGUVLAoqsKJ9JwP'
...   amount='1000'
... )
>>> print('TXID:', tf['id'], 'Block:', tf['block_num'])
TXID: c901c52daf57b60242d9d7be67f790e023cf2780 Block: 30895436
  • to (str) – The username of the account you want to send coins to

  • amount (Decimal) – The amount of coins to send, as either a Decimal, str, int or float

  • from_account (str) – The username of the account to send from

  • wif (str) – The active/owner private key for the from_account, as a string in WIF format

Return dict transfer

A dictionary containing info about the completed TX, inc. id (full ret below)

Return data:

    ref_block_num: int, ref_block_prefix:int,
    expiration:str, operations:list, extensions:list,
    signatures:List[str], block_num:int, id:str
transfers(raw_ops: List[Tuple[str, Union[decimal.Decimal, float, int, str], str, str]], from_account: str, wif: str)[source]

Execute multiple transfers in a single transaction.

>>> tfrs = [('john', '1.234', 'GOLOS', 'thanks man'), ('dave', '0.374', 'GBG', 'hi dave'), ]
>>> g = Api()
>>> tf = g.transfers(raw_ops=tfrs, from_account='someguy123',
...                  wif='5Jq19TeeVmGrBFnu32oxfxQMiipnSCKmwW7fZGUVLAoqsKJ9JwP')
>>> print('TXID:', tf['id'], 'Block:', tf['block_num'])
TXID: c901c52daf57b60242d9d7be67f790e023cf2780 Block: 30895436
  • raw_ops (List[Tuple]) – A list of transfers as 4 key tuples: (to:str, amount:str, asset:str, memo:str)

  • from_account (str) – The username of the account to send from

  • wif (str) – The active/owner private key for the from_account, as a string in WIF format

Return dict transfer

A dictionary containing info about the completed TX, inc. id (full ret below)

Return data:

    ref_block_num: int, ref_block_prefix:int,
    expiration:str, operations:list, extensions:list,
    signatures:List[str], block_num:int, id:str
vests_to_power(vests: Union[decimal.Decimal, float, int, str]) → decimal.Decimal[source]

Basic Usage:

>>> Api().vests_to_power('50058788')  # Convert ``50058788 GESTS`` into ``GOLOS``

vests (Number) – An amount in VESTS/GESTS to convert to SP / GP

Return Decimal power

The value of the VESTS / GESTS in STEEM / GOLOS