Source code for golos.api

This is the main module for the GOLOS library, containing the class :class:`.Api` which is the high-level class
to be used when interacting with python-golos.


    |                 © 2019 Privex Inc.                |
    |                    |
    |                                                   |
    |        Privex's Golos Library                     |
    |        License: X11/MIT                           |
    |                                                   |
    |        Core Developer(s):                         |
    |                                                   |
    |          (+)  Chris (@someguy123) [Privex]        |
    |                                                   |

    Privex's Golos Python Library
    Copyright (c) 2019    Privex Inc. ( )

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
    this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
    the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
    copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
    Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
    subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
    copies or substantial portions of the Software.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import math
from binascii import unhexlify
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from pprint import pprint
from time import time
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Dict

from golos.extras import dict_sort
from .exceptions import TransactionNotFound
from .broadcast import Tx
from .key import Key
from .storage import time_format, asset_precision, rus_d, rus_list
from .ws_client import WsClient

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Number = Union[Decimal, float, int, str]
``Number`` is a shorthand type alias to represent numbers in various types - which can be 
either ``Decimal``, ``float``, ``int``, or ``str``

The primary asset symbol of the current blockchain. Used as the default ``asset`` for some operations if not specified,
while also obligatory for power up transactions to avoid user error. 

[docs]class Api: """ Main class for ``golos-python`` - wraps :class:`.ws_client` and provides many helper methods for interacting with the GOLOS blockchain, such as :py:meth:`.get_accounts` and :py:meth:`.transfer` **Official Repo:** **Official PyPi Package Name:** ``golos-python`` **Basic Usage:** >>> from golos import Api >>> golos = Api() >>> acc = golos.get_accounts(['someguy123']) >>> acc[0]['owner'] 'someguy123' >>> wit = golos.get_witness_by_account('someguy123') >>> wit['url'] '' """ rpc: WsClient key: Key broadcast: Tx asset_precision: Dict[str, int] STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION: int
[docs] def __init__(self, nodes: Union[List[str], str] = None, **kwargs): """ Constructor for Privex's GOLOS wrapper class. No arguments are required, unless you want to override defaults. **Basic Usage:** Use default nodes list and settings: >>> golos = Api() Use only this specific node: >>> golos = Api(nodes='wss://') Use a list of nodes, and enable more verbose logging from :class:`.WsClient` >>> nodes = ['wss://', 'wss://'] >>> golos = Api(nodes=nodes, report=True) Making basic API calls: >>> acc = golos.get_accounts(['someguy123']) >>> acc[0]['owner'] 'someguy123' >>> wit = golos.get_witness_by_account('someguy123') >>> wit['url'] '' :param list|str nodes: A list / singular ``str`` GOLOS node(s) formatted like such: ``wss://`` :param bool report: (**KWARG**) If ``True`` - enables more verbose logging from :class:`.WsClient` :param kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments (will be forwarded to :class:`.WsClient`'s constructor) """ log.debug('connect b4 GOLOS') # Пользуемся своими нодами или новыми if nodes: self.rpc = WsClient(nodes=nodes, **kwargs) else: self.rpc = WsClient(**kwargs) log.debug('get config GOLOS') config_golos ='get_config') self.STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION = int(config_golos["STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION"]) chain_properties ='get_chain_properties') self.account_creation_fee = chain_properties["account_creation_fee"] self.create_account_min_golos_fee = chain_properties["create_account_min_golos_fee"] self.create_account_min_delegation = chain_properties["create_account_min_delegation"] # "account_creation_fee": "1.000 GOLOS", # "create_account_min_golos_fee": "0.030 GOLOS", # "create_account_min_delegation": "0.150 GOLOS", self.create_account_max_delegation = "33333.333333 GEST" # aka ~10 Golos Power self.rus_d = rus_d self.asset_precision = asset_precision self.broadcast = Tx(self.rpc) self.finalizeOp = self.broadcast.finalizeOp self.key = Key() log.debug('complite')
[docs] def get_transaction_hex(self, tx: dict, remove_sigs=False) -> str: """ Get the string hexadecimal representation of a ``dict`` transaction object. **Example Usage**: >>> tx = { ... 'ref_block_num': 27979, 'ref_block_prefix': 3018856747, 'expiration': '2019-10-01T12:50:00', ... 'operations': [ ... ['transfer', ... {'from': 'someguy123', 'to': 'ksantoprotein', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing'}] ... ], ... 'extensions': [], 'signatures': [] ... } >>> Api().get_transaction_hex(tx) '4b6d2b19f0b3784b935d01020a736f6d656775793132330d6b73616e746f70726f7465696e640000000000000003474f4c4f53 00000774657374696e6700' :param dict tx: A transaction as a ``dict`` in the form: ``dict(ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix, expiration, operations, extensions, signatures)`` :param bool remove_sigs: (Default: ``False``) Replace the ``signatures`` key with ``[]`` (for TXID generation) :return str txhex: The hexadecimal representation of the transaction """ tx = dict(tx) if remove_sigs: tx['signatures'] = [] txhex ='get_transaction_hex', tx) return str(txhex)
[docs] def get_transaction_id(self, tx: dict) -> str: """ Calculate the TXID for a transaction in the ``dict`` form: ``dict(ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix, expiration, operations, extensions, signatures)`` >>> tx = { ... 'ref_block_num': 27979, 'ref_block_prefix': 3018856747, 'expiration': '2019-10-01T12:50:00', ... 'operations': [ ... ['transfer', ... {'from': 'someguy123', 'to': 'ksantoprotein', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing'}] ... ], ... 'extensions': [], 'signatures': [] ... } >>> Api().get_transaction_id(tx) 'c901c52daf57b60242d9d7be67f790e023cf2780' :param dict tx: A transaction as a ``dict`` in the form: ``dict(ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix, expiration, operations, extensions, signatures)`` :return str txid: The calculated transaction ID for the given transaction """ txhex = self.get_transaction_hex(tx, remove_sigs=True) m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(unhexlify(txhex)) txhash = m.hexdigest() return txhash[:40]
[docs] def get_transaction(self, txid: str) -> dict: """ Lookup the transaction ID ``txid`` and return it's matching transaction as a ``dict`` **Example usage**: >>> Api().get_transaction('c901c52daf57b60242d9d7be67f790e023cf2780') {'ref_block_num': 27979, 'ref_block_prefix': 3018856747, 'expiration': '2019-10-01T12:50:00', 'operations': [['transfer', {'from': 'someguy123', 'to': 'ksantoprotein', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing'} ]], 'extensions': [], 'signatures': ['1f1a0212f7b9fe263acaeadf1ec127000dc234c413b543e3c268d251e...'] } :param str txid: A string hex transaction ID to lookup :raises TransactionNotFound: When the transaction ID could not be found on the blockchain. :return dict tx: The matching transaction as a ``dict`` """ return'get_transaction', txid)
[docs] def find_op_transaction(self, op: dict, ignore_keys: list = None) -> dict: """ Locate and return the full transaction from the blockchain based on a ``dict`` operation (``op``) The operation dictionary must contain at least ``block``, as well as all of the operation keys that would be found on the blockchain, with the values being the same type as they would be on the blockchain. **Example usage**: >>> op = {'from': 'someguy123', 'to': 'ksantoprotein', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing', ... 'number': 127287, 'block': 30895436, 'timestamp': '2019-10-01T12:49:00', 'type_op': 'transfer'} >>> Api().find_op_transaction(op) {'ref_block_num': 27979, 'ref_block_prefix': 3018856747, 'expiration': '2019-10-01T12:50:00', 'operations': [['transfer', {'from': 'someguy123', 'to': 'ksantoprotein', 'amount': '0.100 GOLOS', 'memo': 'testing'} ]], 'extensions': [], 'signatures': ['1f1a0212f7b9fe263acaeadf1ec127000dc234c413b543e3c268d251e...'] } :param dict op: An operation as a ``dict``, containing the key ``block``, and any operation keys to match :param list ignore_keys: (Optional) Additional dict keys to remove from ``op`` :raises TransactionNotFound: When a matching transaction could not be found on the blockchain. :return dict tx: The full transaction found on the blockchain as a ``dict`` A returned transaction is generally formatted like such:: dict(ref_block_num: int, ref_block_prefix: int, expiration: str, operations: list, extensions: list, signatures: list) """ ignore_keys = [] if not ignore_keys else ignore_keys ignore_keys += ['number', 'block', 'timestamp', 'type_op'] orig_tx = dict(op) if 'block' not in orig_tx: raise AttributeError("Error: find_transaction requires that 'op' contains the key 'block'") # Filter out any dict keys which don't exist on blockchain transactions, so we can compare the passed TX # to TXs inside of a block. clean_tx = dict(op) clean_tx = {k: v for k, v in clean_tx.items() if k not in ignore_keys} # Load the block specified in the original TX, and search for a matching transaction. block = self.get_block(int(orig_tx['block'])) for t in block['transactions']: for op in t['operations']: if 'type_op' in orig_tx and op[0] != orig_tx['type_op']: continue tx_op = dict_sort(op[1]) orig_op = dict_sort(clean_tx) if tx_op == orig_op: return t raise TransactionNotFound(f'Transaction could not be found: {str(orig_tx)}')
##### ##### BROADCAST ##### #####
[docs] def vote(self, url, weight, voters, wif): # weight = -10000..10000 # voters = list author, permlink = self.resolve_url(url) if not permlink: log.debug('error url') return False ops = [] for voter in voters: op = { "voter": voter, "author": author, "permlink": permlink, "weight": int(weight) } ops.append(['vote', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def post(self, title, body, author, wif, **kwargs): """ category = '' url = '' permlink = '' tags = [] beneficiaries = 'login:10000' weight = 10000 curation = max or int 2500..10000 """ asset = 'GBG' parent_beneficiaries = 'thallid' category = kwargs.pop("category", parent_beneficiaries) app = kwargs.pop("app", parent_beneficiaries) beneficiaries = kwargs.pop("beneficiaries", False) # type: str if beneficiaries: a, w = beneficiaries.split(':') beneficiaries = [{"account": a, "weight": int(w)}] curation = kwargs.pop("curation", False) if curation == 'max': cur = self.get_curation_percent() if cur: curation = cur["max"] else: return False else: try: curation = int(curation) except: curation = False url = kwargs.pop("url", None) if url: parent_author, parent_permlink = self.resolve_url(url) # comment else: parent_author, parent_permlink = '', category # post permlink = kwargs.pop("permlink", None) if not permlink: # подготовить пермлинк самостоятельно permlink = ''.join([self.rus_d.get(s, s) for s in title.lower()]) + '-' + str(round(time())) tags = kwargs.pop("tags", ['test']) json_metadata = {"app": app, "tags": tags} max_accepted_payout = kwargs.pop("max_accepted_payout", 10000) allow_votes = kwargs.pop("allow_votes", True) allow_curation_rewards = kwargs.pop("allow_curation_rewards", True) ops = [] op = { "parent_author": parent_author, "parent_permlink": parent_permlink, "author": author, "permlink": permlink, "title": title, "body": body, "json_metadata": json.dumps(json_metadata), } ops.append(['comment', op]) extensions = [] if beneficiaries: extensions.append([0, {"beneficiaries": beneficiaries}]) if curation: extensions.append([2, {"percent": curation}]) op = { "author": author, "permlink": permlink, "max_accepted_payout": '{:.{precision}f} {asset}'.format( float(max_accepted_payout), precision=self.asset_precision[asset], asset=asset ), "percent_steem_dollars": 10000, "allow_votes": allow_votes, "allow_curation_rewards": allow_curation_rewards, "extensions": extensions } ops.append(['comment_options', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def replace(self, title, body, author, wif, **kwargs): parent_beneficiaries = 'thallid' category = kwargs.pop("category", parent_beneficiaries) url = kwargs.pop("url", None) if url: parent_author, parent_permlink = self.resolve_url(url) # comment else: parent_author, parent_permlink = '', category # post permlink = kwargs.pop("permlink", None) if not permlink: log.debug('not permlink') return False app = kwargs.pop("app", parent_beneficiaries) tags = kwargs.pop("tags", ['golos']) json_metadata = {"app": app, "tags": tags} ops = [] op = { "parent_author": parent_author, "parent_permlink": parent_permlink, "author": author, "permlink": permlink, "title": title, "body": body, "json_metadata": json.dumps(json_metadata), } ops.append(['comment', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def _transfer_op(self, to: str, amount: Number, from_account: str, asset: str = DEFAULT_ASSET, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Generate a transfer operation as a ``dict`` based on the parameters. Note: If ``memo`` is not present in the ``**kwargs``, it will be excluded from the operation dict (this is intentional, to allow for operations such as vesting which do not use memos). :param str to: The username of the account to send coins to :param Decimal amount: The amount of coins to send, as either a ``Decimal``, ``str``, ``int`` or ``float`` :param str from_account: The username of the account to send from :param str asset: The asset (coin) to send (Default: ``GOLOS`` (value of ``DEFAULT_ASSET``)) :param str memo: An optional public message to attach to the transfer (Not included in op if not specified) :return dict op: An operation as a dict: ``dict(from:str, to:str, amount:str, memo:str?)`` """ op = { "from": from_account, "to": to, "amount": '{:.{precision}f} {asset}'.format( Decimal(amount), precision=self.asset_precision[asset], asset=asset ) } if 'memo' in kwargs: op['memo'] = kwargs['memo'] return op
[docs] def transfer(self, to: str, amount: Number, from_account: str, wif: str, asset=DEFAULT_ASSET, memo='', **kwargs): """ Transfer ``amount`` coins (of ``asset``) to ``from_account`` using the private key ``wif`` and the memo ``memo`` **Basic usage:** >>> g = Api() >>> tf = golos.transfer( ... to='ksantoprotein', amount='0.1', asset='GOLOS', from_account='someguy123', ... wif='5Jq19TeeVmGrBFnu32oxfxQMiipnSCKmwW7fZGUVLAoqsKJ9JwP', memo='this is an example transfer' ... ) >>> print('TXID:', tf['id'], 'Block:', tf['block_num']) TXID: c901c52daf57b60242d9d7be67f790e023cf2780 Block: 30895436 :param str to: The username of the account you want to send coins to :param Decimal amount: The amount of coins to send, as either a ``Decimal``, ``str``, ``int`` or ``float`` :param str from_account: The username of the account to send from :param str wif: The active/owner private key for the ``from_account``, as a string in WIF format :param str asset: The asset (coin) to send (Default: ``GOLOS`` (value of ``DEFAULT_ASSET``)) :param str memo: An optional public message to attach to the transfer (Default: ``''`` - empty string) :param kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments :return dict transfer: A dictionary containing info about the completed transfer, inc. ``id`` (full ret below) **Return data**:: dict( ref_block_num: int, ref_block_prefix:int, expiration:str, operations:list, extensions:list, signatures:List[str], block_num:int, id:str ) """ # to, amount, asset, from_account, [memo] ops = [] op = self._transfer_op(to=to, amount=amount, asset=asset, from_account=from_account, memo=memo) ops.append(['transfer', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def transfers(self, raw_ops: List[Tuple[str, Number, str, str]], from_account: str, wif: str): """ Execute multiple transfers in a single transaction. >>> tfrs = [('john', '1.234', 'GOLOS', 'thanks man'), ('dave', '0.374', 'GBG', 'hi dave'), ] >>> g = Api() >>> tf = g.transfers(raw_ops=tfrs, from_account='someguy123', ... wif='5Jq19TeeVmGrBFnu32oxfxQMiipnSCKmwW7fZGUVLAoqsKJ9JwP') >>> print('TXID:', tf['id'], 'Block:', tf['block_num']) TXID: c901c52daf57b60242d9d7be67f790e023cf2780 Block: 30895436 :param List[Tuple] raw_ops: A list of transfers as 4 key tuples: ``(to:str, amount:str, asset:str, memo:str)`` :param str from_account: The username of the account to send from :param str wif: The active/owner private key for the ``from_account``, as a string in WIF format :return dict transfer: A dictionary containing info about the completed TX, inc. ``id`` (full ret below) **Return data**:: dict( ref_block_num: int, ref_block_prefix:int, expiration:str, operations:list, extensions:list, signatures:List[str], block_num:int, id:str ) """ ops = [] for raw in raw_ops: to, amount, asset, memo = raw op = self._transfer_op(to=to, amount=amount, asset=asset, from_account=from_account, memo=memo) ops.append(['transfer', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def transfer_to_vesting(self, to: str, amount: Number, from_account: str, wif: str, **kwargs): """ Power up a given amount of ``DEFAULT_ASSET`` (default: ``GOLOS``) from ``from_account`` into ``to``. **Basic Usage** (Convert 1000 GOLOS from ``someguy123`` into GESTS to ``someguy123``) >>> g = Api() >>> tf = g.transfer_to_vesting( ... to='someguy123', from_account='someguy123', wif='5Jq19TeeVmGrBFnu32oxfxQMiipnSCKmwW7fZGUVLAoqsKJ9JwP' ... amount='1000' ... ) >>> print('TXID:', tf['id'], 'Block:', tf['block_num']) TXID: c901c52daf57b60242d9d7be67f790e023cf2780 Block: 30895436 :param str to: The username of the account you want to send coins to :param Decimal amount: The amount of coins to send, as either a ``Decimal``, ``str``, ``int`` or ``float`` :param str from_account: The username of the account to send from :param str wif: The active/owner private key for the ``from_account``, as a string in WIF format :return dict transfer: A dictionary containing info about the completed TX, inc. ``id`` (full ret below) **Return data**:: dict( ref_block_num: int, ref_block_prefix:int, expiration:str, operations:list, extensions:list, signatures:List[str], block_num:int, id:str ) """ # to, amount, from_account ops = [[ 'transfer_to_vesting', self._transfer_op(to=to, amount=amount, asset=DEFAULT_ASSET, from_account=from_account) ], ] tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def withdraw_vesting(self, account, amount, wif, **kwargs): # amount, account # понижается не менее 10х fee (сейчас 10 GOLOS которые нужно перевести в GEST) vesting_shares = self.convert_golos_to_vests(amount) asset = 'GESTS' ops = [] op = { "account": account, "vesting_shares": '{:.{precision}f} {asset}'.format( vesting_shares, precision=self.asset_precision[asset], asset=asset ), } ops.append(['withdraw_vesting', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def account_create(self, login, password, creator, wif, **kwargs): create_with_delegation = False # login = account name must be at most 16 chars long, check if account already exists # roles = ["posting", "active", "memo", "owner"] paroles = self.key.get_keys(login, password) fee = self.account_creation_fee json_metadata = kwargs.pop("json_metadata", []) ### owner_key_authority = [[paroles["public"]["owner"], 1]] active_key_authority = [[paroles["public"]["active"], 1]] posting_key_authority = [[paroles["public"]["posting"], 1]] memo = paroles["public"]["memo"] owner_accounts_authority = [] active_accounts_authority = [[creator, 1]] posting_accounts_authority = [[creator, 1]] # active_accounts_authority = [] # posting_accounts_authority = [] ops = [] op = { 'fee': fee, 'creator': creator, 'new_account_name': login, 'owner': { 'weight_threshold': 1, 'account_auths': owner_accounts_authority, 'key_auths': owner_key_authority, }, 'active': { 'weight_threshold': 1, 'account_auths': active_accounts_authority, 'key_auths': active_key_authority, }, 'posting': { 'weight_threshold': 1, 'account_auths': posting_accounts_authority, 'key_auths': posting_key_authority, }, 'memo_key': memo, 'json_metadata': json.dumps(json_metadata), } ops.append(['account_create', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def account_update_password(self, account, password, wif): paroles = self.key.get_keys(account, password) tx = self.get_accounts([account])[0] json_metadata = tx.get("json_metadata", {"profile": {}}) log.debug(json_metadata) pprint(tx["owner"]) pprint(tx["active"]) pprint(tx["posting"]) log.debug(tx["memo_key"]) # public = self.key.get_public(wif) # print(public, tx["master_authority"]["key_auths"]) # input('ready?') owner_key_authority = [[paroles["public"]["owner"], 1]] active_key_authority = [[paroles["public"]["active"], 1]] posting_key_authority = [[paroles["public"]["posting"], 1]] # owner_key_authority = False # active_key_authority = False # posting_key_authority = False memo = paroles["public"]["memo"] # Очистка авторити owner_accounts_authority = [] active_accounts_authority = [] posting_accounts_authority = [] ops = [] op = { "account": account, "owner": { 'weight_threshold': 1, 'account_auths': owner_accounts_authority, 'key_auths': owner_key_authority, }, "active": { 'weight_threshold': 1, 'account_auths': active_accounts_authority, 'key_auths': active_key_authority, }, "posting": { 'weight_threshold': 1, 'account_auths': posting_accounts_authority, 'key_auths': posting_key_authority, }, "memo_key": memo, # "json_metadata": json.dumps(json_metadata, ensure_ascii = False), "json_metadata": json_metadata, } ops.append(['account_update', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def change_recovery_account(self, account, recovery_account, wif): ops = [] op = { "account_to_recover": account, "new_recovery_account": recovery_account, "extensions": [], } ops.append(['change_recovery_account', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def delegate_vesting_shares(self, delegatee, amount, delegator, wif, **kwargs): # делегируется не менее 0.010 GOLOS которые нужно перевести в GEST) vesting_shares = self.convert_golos_to_vests(amount) asset = 'GESTS' ops = [] op = { "delegator": delegator, "delegatee": delegatee, "vesting_shares": '{:.{precision}f} {asset}'.format( vesting_shares, precision=self.asset_precision[asset], asset=asset ), } ops.append(['delegate_vesting_shares', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def account_create_with_delegation(self, login, password, creator, wif, **kwargs): # login = account name must be at most 16 chars long, check if account already exists # roles = ["posting", "active", "memo", "owner"] paroles = self.key.get_keys(login, password) fee = self.create_account_min_golos_fee # delegation = self.create_account_max_delegation vesting_shares = self.convert_golos_to_vests(10.0) # aka 10 GOLOS delegation asset = 'GESTS' delegation = '{:.{precision}f} {asset}'.format(vesting_shares, precision=self.asset_precision[asset], asset=asset) json_metadata = kwargs.pop("json_metadata", []) owner_key_authority = [[paroles["public"]["owner"], 1]] active_key_authority = [[paroles["public"]["active"], 1]] posting_key_authority = [[paroles["public"]["posting"], 1]] memo = paroles["public"]["memo"] owner_accounts_authority = [] active_accounts_authority = [] posting_accounts_authority = [] # active_accounts_authority = [ [creator, 1] ] # posting_accounts_authority = [ [creator, 1] ] extensions = [] ops = [] op = { "fee": fee, "delegation": delegation, "creator": creator, "new_account_name": login, "owner": { "weight_threshold": 1, "account_auths": owner_accounts_authority, "key_auths": owner_key_authority, }, "active": { "weight_threshold": 1, "account_auths": active_accounts_authority, "key_auths": active_key_authority, }, "posting": { "weight_threshold": 1, "account_auths": posting_accounts_authority, "key_auths": posting_key_authority, }, "memo_key": memo, "json_metadata": json.dumps(json_metadata), "extensions": extensions, } ops.append(['account_create_with_delegation', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def account_metadata(self, account, json_metadata, wif): ops = [] op = { "account": account, "json_metadata": json.dumps(json_metadata, ensure_ascii=False) } ops.append(['account_metadata', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def delegate_vesting_shares_with_interest(self, delegatee, amount, delegator, rate, wif, **kwargs): # делегируется не менее 0.010 GOLOS которые нужно перевести в GEST) vesting_shares = self.convert_golos_to_vests(amount) asset = 'GESTS' ops = [] op = { "delegator": delegator, "delegatee": delegatee, "vesting_shares": '{:.{precision}f} {asset}'.format( vesting_shares, precision=self.asset_precision[asset], asset=asset ), "interest_rate": rate, "extensions": [], } ops.append(['delegate_vesting_shares_with_interest', op]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def follow(self, wtf, followings, followers, wif, **kwargs): # wtf = True (подписаться), False (отписаться), ignore - заблокировать # following - [] на кого подписывается # follower - [] кто подписывается if wtf and wtf != 'ignore': what = ['blog'] # подписаться elif wtf == 'ignore': what = ['ignore'] # заблокировать else: what = [] # отписаться ops = [] for follower in followers: for following in followings: if follower != following: json_body = [ 'follow', { "follower": follower, "following": following, "what": what } ] f = { "required_auths": [], "required_posting_auths": [follower], "id": 'follow', "json": json.dumps(json_body) } ops.append(['custom_json', f]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def account_witness_proxy(self, account, proxy, wif): ops = [] awp = { "account": account, "proxy": proxy, } ops.append(['account_witness_proxy', awp]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def repost(self, url, account, wif, **kwargs): # title = kwargs.pop("title", None) # body = kwargs.pop("body", None) # ['title', 'body', 'json_metadata'] author, permlink = self.resolve_url(url) ops = [] json_body = [ 'reblog', { "account": account, "author": author, "permlink": permlink } ] f = { "required_auths": [], "required_posting_auths": [account], "id": 'follow', "json": json.dumps(json_body) } ops.append(['custom_json', f]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, wif) return tx
[docs] def get_curation_percent(self): tx ='get_witness_schedule') try: min = int(tx["median_props"]["min_curation_percent"]) max = int(tx["median_props"]["max_curation_percent"]) return {"min": min, "max": max} except: return False
[docs] def account_update(self, new_password, account, old_password, **kwargs): create_with_delegation = False # login = account name must be at most 16 chars long, check if account already exists # roles = ["posting", "active", "memo", "owner"] old_paroles = self.key.get_keys(account, old_password) new_paroles = self.key.get_keys(account, new_password) json_metadata = kwargs.pop("json_metadata", {}) owner_key_authority = [[new_paroles["public"]["owner"], 1]] active_key_authority = [[new_paroles["public"]["active"], 1]] posting_key_authority = [[new_paroles["public"]["posting"], 1]] memo = new_paroles["public"]["memo"] owner_accounts_authority = [] # active_accounts_authority = [ [creator, 1] ] # posting_accounts_authority = [ [creator, 1] ] active_accounts_authority = [] posting_accounts_authority = [] ops = [] au = { 'account': account, 'owner': { 'weight_threshold': 1, 'account_auths': owner_accounts_authority, 'key_auths': owner_key_authority, }, 'active': { 'weight_threshold': 1, 'account_auths': active_accounts_authority, 'key_auths': active_key_authority, }, 'posting': { 'weight_threshold': 1, 'account_auths': posting_accounts_authority, 'key_auths': posting_key_authority, }, 'memo_key': memo, 'json_metadata': json.dumps(json_metadata), } ops.append(['account_update', au]) tx = self.finalizeOp(ops, old_paroles["private"]["owner"]) return tx
[docs] def get_median_price(self): # Фид-прайс делегатов feed ='get_feed_history') # HF-18 base = float(feed["current_median_history"]["base"].split()[0]) quote = float(feed["current_median_history"]["quote"].split()[0]) return round(base / quote, asset_precision["GBG"])
[docs] def get_follow(self, account: str): follow = {"follower": [], "following": []} account_follow ='get_follow_count', account) # account_follow["follower_count"] # account_follow["following_count"] start_follower = 'a' while True: tx ='get_followers', account, start_follower, 'blog', 1000) if len(tx) == 1 and tx[0]["follower"] == start_follower: follow["follower"].append(start_follower) break for line in tx[:-1]: follow["follower"].append(line["follower"]) start_follower = tx[-1:][0]["follower"] start_follower = 'a' while True: tx ='get_following', account, start_follower, 'blog', 100) if len(tx) == 1 and tx[0]["following"] == start_follower: follow["following"].append(start_follower) break for line in tx[:-1]: follow["following"].append(line["following"]) start_follower = tx[-1:][0]["following"] account_follow["follower"] = follow["follower"] account_follow["following"] = follow["following"] return account_follow
[docs] def get_account_reputations(self, account): # Определяем репутацию аккаунта reputations ='get_account_reputations', [account]) rep = int(reputations[0]["reputation"]) if rep == 0: reputation = 25 else: score = (math.log10(abs(rep)) - 9) * 9 + 25 if rep < 0: score = 50 - score reputation = round(score, 3) return reputation
[docs] def get_content(self, url, **kwargs): vote_limit = str(kwargs.pop("vote_limit", 0)) author, permlink = self.resolve_url(url) user_post ='get_content', author, permlink, vote_limit) return user_post
##### ##### account_by_key ##### #####
[docs] def get_key_references(self, public_key: str): """ Позволяет узнать какому логину соответсвует публичный ключ #public_key = 'GLS6RGi692mJSNkdcVRunY3tGieJdTsa7AZeBVjB6jjqYg98ov5NL' Но не позволяет если есть авторити у аккаунта """ res ='get_key_references', [public_key]) if res: return res[0] # type: list else: # pprint(res) return False
##### ##### account_history ##### #####
[docs] def get_account_history(self, account: str, **kwargs): start_limit = kwargs.pop("start_limit", 1000) # лимит одновременного запроса op_limit = kwargs.pop("type_op", 'all') # какие операции сохранять, list age_max = kwargs.pop("age", 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) # время в сек до какой операции сканировать info = self.get_dynamic_global_properties() if not info: log.debug('error in global data') return False raw = [] start_block, flag, n = 999999999, True, 0 while flag: history ='get_account_history', account, start_block, start_limit) for h in reversed(history): number = h[0] block = h[1]["block"] timestamp = h[1]["timestamp"] type_op = h[1]["op"][0] op = h[1]["op"][1] op["number"] = number op["block"] = block op["timestamp"] = timestamp op["type_op"] = type_op if type_op in op_limit or op_limit == 'all': raw.append(op) # pprint(op) # input('next') last_history_time = datetime.strptime(timestamp, time_format) age = (info["now"] - last_history_time).total_seconds() / 1 if age > age_max: flag = False break start_block = h[0] - 1 if start_block < start_limit: start_limit = start_block if start_limit <= 0: flag = False n += 1 log.debug('%s %s %s', start_block, 'scan', n * start_limit) return raw
##### ##### database_api ##### #####
[docs] def get_account_count(self) -> int: # Возвращает количество зарегестрированных пользователей return int('get_account_count'))
[docs] def get_accounts(self, logins: List[str], **kwargs) -> List[dict]: """ Перерасчитываются некоторые параметры по аккаунту "voting_power" - 1..10000 реальная батарейка "golos_power" - сила голоса с учетом делегирования "rshares" - сколько добавится шаров в пост при 100% батарейке "GOLOS", "GBG" - ликвидные токены "new_post_limit" - сколько постов можно опубликовать "new_post_time" - сколько осталось времени в минутах до публикации без штрафа "bandwidth" = { "avail" - всего доступно в кБ "used_forum" - использовано в кБ "used_market" - использовано в кБ "free_forum" - доступно в кБ "free_market" - доступно в кБ } "value" = {"GOLOS", "GBG"} - цена апвота по внутренней бирже "order" = {"GOLOS", "GBG"} - цена апвота по медиане "rating" = репутация в десятичном виде """ add_follow = kwargs.pop("follow", False) accounts ='get_accounts', logins) median_price = self.get_median_price() order_price = self.get_order_price() info = self.get_dynamic_global_properties() if not info: log.debug('error in global data') return False for account in accounts: # Определение реальной батарейки 1-10000 VP = float(account["voting_power"]) last_vote_time = datetime.strptime(account["last_vote_time"], time_format) age = (info["now"] - last_vote_time).total_seconds() / 1 actualVP = VP + (10000 * age / 432000) if actualVP > 10000: account["voting_power"] = 10000 else: account["voting_power"] = round(actualVP) # Определение golos_power (SP) vests = float(str(account["vesting_shares"]).split()[0]) delegated = float(str(account["delegated_vesting_shares"]).split()[0]) received = float(str(account["received_vesting_shares"]).split()[0]) account["golos_power"] = round((vests + received - delegated) * info["golos_per_vests"], asset_precision["GOLOS"]) # Определение rshares vesting_shares = int(1e6 * account["golos_power"] / info["golos_per_vests"]) max_vote_denom = info["vote_regeneration_per_day"] * (5 * 60 * 60 * 24) / (60 * 60 * 24) used_power = int((account["voting_power"] + max_vote_denom - 1) / max_vote_denom) rshares = ((vesting_shares * used_power) / 10000) account["rshares"] = round(rshares) account["add_reputation"] = round(rshares / 64) # Определение стоимости апвота value_golos = round(account["rshares"] * info["total_reward_fund_steem"] / info["total_reward_shares2"], asset_precision["GOLOS"]) value_gbg = round(value_golos * median_price, asset_precision["GBG"]) order_gbg = round(value_golos * order_price, asset_precision["GBG"]) account["value"] = {"GOLOS": value_golos, "GBG": value_gbg} account["order"] = {"GOLOS": value_golos, "GBG": order_gbg} # Определение ликвидных токенов account["GOLOS"] = float(str(account["balance"]).split()[0]) account["GBG"] = float(str(account["sbd_balance"]).split()[0]) # Определение post_bandwidth account["new_post_time"] = 0 # minutes minutes_per_day = 24 * 60 last_post_time = datetime.strptime(account["last_root_post"], time_format) age_after_post = (info["now"] - last_post_time).total_seconds() / 60 # minutes if age_after_post >= minutes_per_day: account["new_post_limit"] = 4 else: new_post_bandwidth = int( (((minutes_per_day - age_after_post) / minutes_per_day) * account["post_bandwidth"]) + 10000) if new_post_bandwidth > 40000: account["new_post_limit"] = 0 account["new_post_time"] = round( minutes_per_day - ((40000 - 10000) / (new_post_bandwidth - 10000)) * minutes_per_day) else: account["new_post_limit"] = int(4 - (new_post_bandwidth // 10000)) # Определение update_account_bandwidth average_forum_bandwidth = int(account["average_bandwidth"]) average_market_bandwidth = int(account["average_market_bandwidth"]) info["max_virtual_bandwidth"] = int(info["max_virtual_bandwidth"]) / self.STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION average_seconds = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 last_forum_time = datetime.strptime(account["last_bandwidth_update"], time_format) last_market_time = datetime.strptime(account["last_market_bandwidth_update"], time_format) age_after_forum = int((info["now"] - last_forum_time).total_seconds() / 1) # seconds age_after_market = int((info["now"] - last_market_time).total_seconds() / 1) # seconds if age_after_forum >= average_seconds: new_account_forum_average_bandwidth = 0 else: new_account_forum_average_bandwidth = (( average_seconds - age_after_forum) * average_forum_bandwidth) / average_seconds if age_after_market >= average_seconds: new_account_market_average_bandwidth = 0 else: new_account_market_average_bandwidth = (( average_seconds - age_after_market) * average_market_bandwidth) / average_seconds avail = vesting_shares * info["max_virtual_bandwidth"] used_forum = new_account_forum_average_bandwidth * info["total_vesting_shares"] used_market = new_account_market_average_bandwidth * info["total_vesting_shares"] used_kb_forum = round(new_account_forum_average_bandwidth / self.STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION / 1024, 3) used_kb_market = round(new_account_market_average_bandwidth / self.STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION / 1024, 3) avail_kb = round(vesting_shares / info["total_vesting_shares"] * info[ "max_virtual_bandwidth"] / self.STEEMIT_BANDWIDTH_PRECISION / 1024, 3) account["bandwidth"] = { "avail": avail_kb, "used_forum": used_kb_forum, "used_market": used_kb_market, "free_forum": round(avail_kb - used_kb_forum, 3), "free_market": round(avail_kb - used_kb_market, 3), } # Определение подписчиков # if add_follow: # f = self.get_follow(account["name"]) # account["follower_count"] = f["follower_count"] # account["following_count"] = f["following_count"] # account["follower"] = f["follower"] # account["following"] = f["following"] # Определение репутации # reputation, // <- Поле отсутствует, если выключен плагин follow rep = account.get("reputation", None) if not rep: rep = 0 else: rep = int(rep) if rep == 0: account["rating"] = 25 else: score = (math.log10(abs(rep)) - 9) * 9 + 25 if rep < 0: score = 50 - score account["rating"] = round(score, 3) return accounts
[docs] def get_block(self, n): return'get_block', str(n))
[docs] def get_chain_properties(self): return'get_chain_properties')
[docs] def get_config(self): return'get_config')
[docs] def get_database_info(self): return'get_database_info')
[docs] def get_dynamic_global_properties(self) -> Union[bool, dict]: # Returns the global properties prop ='get_dynamic_global_properties') # Obtain STEEM/VESTS ratio for p in ["total_vesting_fund_steem", "total_reward_fund_steem", "total_vesting_shares"]: try: value = prop.pop(p, None) prop[p] = float(value.split()[0]) except: return False for p in ["total_reward_shares2", "last_irreversible_block_num", "vote_regeneration_per_day"]: value = prop.pop(p, None) if not value: return False prop[p] = int(value) prop["golos_per_vests"] = prop["total_vesting_fund_steem"] / prop["total_vesting_shares"] prop["now"] = datetime.strptime(prop["time"], time_format) return prop
[docs] def get_all_accounts(self): n = self.get_account_count() limit = 1000 log.debug('find', n, 'accounts') accounts_dict = {} start_login = 'a' while True: log.debug(start_login) logins ='lookup_accounts', start_login, limit) if len(logins) == 1 and logins[0] == start_login: accounts = self.get_accounts(logins) for account in accounts: accounts_dict[account["name"]] = account break accounts = self.get_accounts(logins[:-1]) for account in accounts: accounts_dict[account["name"]] = account start_login = logins[-1:][0] return accounts_dict
##### ##### follow ##### ##### ##### ##### market_history ##### ##### # def get_market_history(self): # return'get_market_history')
[docs] def get_market_history_buckets(self): return'get_market_history_buckets')
[docs] def get_open_orders(self, account): return'get_open_orders', account)
[docs] def get_order_book(self, limit): return'get_order_book', limit)
[docs] def get_order_price(self): # усредненный прайс на внутренней бирже limit = 1 feed ='get_order_book', limit) ask = float(feed["asks"][0]["price"]) bid = float(feed["bids"][0]["price"]) return round((ask + bid) / 2, asset_precision["GBG"])
[docs] def get_order_book_extended(self, limit): return'get_order_book_extended', limit)
[docs] def get_recent_trades(self, limit): return'get_recent_trades', limit)
[docs] def get_ticker(self): """ try: t = {"bid": round(float(ticker["highest_bid"]), 6), "ask": round(float(ticker["lowest_ask"]), 6)} except: return False """ return'get_ticker')
[docs] def get_tickers(self): ticker ='get_ticker') try: bid = float(ticker["highest_bid"]) ask = float(ticker["lowest_ask"]) t = {"GOLOS_GBG": {"bid": bid, "ask": ask}, "GBG_GOLOS": {"bid": 1 / ask, "ask": 1 / bid}} except: return False return t
[docs] def get_volume(self): return'get_volume')
##### ##### network_broadcast_api ##### ##### ##### ##### operation_history ##### #####
[docs] def get_ops_in_block(self, n): return'get_ops_in_block', str(n), True)
##### ##### social_network ##### ##### ##### ##### tags ##### ##### ##### ##### witness_api ##### #####
[docs] def get_active_witnesses(self): return'get_active_witnesses')
[docs] def get_current_median_history_price(self): return'get_current_median_history_price')
[docs] def get_feed_history(self): return'get_feed_history')
[docs] def get_witness_by_account(self, account): return'get_witness_by_account', account)
[docs] def get_witness_count(self): return'get_witness_count')
[docs] def get_witness_schedule(self): return'get_witness_schedule')
# def get_witnesses(self, ids): # return'get_witnesses', ids) # def get_witnesses_by_vote(self, start, limit): # return'get_witnesses_by_vote', start, limit)
[docs] def lookup_witness_accounts(self, start, limit): return'lookup_witness_accounts', start, limit)
##### ##### differ ##### #####
[docs] def resolve_url(self, url): if '#' in url: url = url.split('#')[1] if '@' in url: url = url.split('@')[1] if url[-1:] == '/': url = url[:-1] if url.count('/') != 1: return [False, False] else: return url.split('/')
[docs] def convert_golos_to_vests(self, amount): info = self.get_dynamic_global_properties() if not info: log.debug('error in global data - convert_golos_to_vests') return False asset = 'GESTS' vests = round(float(amount) / info["golos_per_vests"], asset_precision[asset]) return vests
[docs] def check_login(self, login): if len(login) > 16: # скорректировать под параметр блокчейна в инициализации return False if login[0] not in list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'): return False for l in list(login[1:]): if l not in list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.-'): return False return True
[docs] def is_login(self, login): # Проверка существования логина account ='get_accounts', [login]) # account = self.get_accounts([login]) if account: public_key = account[0]["posting"]["key_auths"][0][0] return public_key return False
def __del__(self): self.rpc.close()
# ----- common def -----
[docs]def resolve_body_ru(body): raw_body = [] body = body.replace('#', '') body = body.replace('\n', '#') for s in body: if s in rus_list: raw_body.append(s) elif s == '#': # raw_body.append('\n') raw_body.append('#') if len(raw_body) == 0: return False return ''.join(raw_body)